Tony Russi Insurance Agency: Small Business Toolbox

The following helpful document & spreadsheet templates are free to download, customize & save for your own use! And because they’re so easy to use, you can quickly begin using your selected file to satisfy your specific need in no time.

Disclaimer: The files freely available in the this “Small Business Toolbox” are not a substitute for the advice of professional legal, accounting or a business services expert. These links provide you with editable forms and suggestions on how you might use them. We cannot, and do not, provide specific advice for your exact situation.

To begin simply select a category to see each list of what’s available, then click to open:


Section A: Business Finance

Section B: Compensation & Benefits

Section C: Recruiting & Hiring

Section D: Vehicles & Equipment

Section E: Employee Management

Section F: Marketing

Section G: Worker Safety

Section H: Starting Your Business

Section I: Firing & Termination